Multi-Lane Free Flow (M-Flow) บนโครงข่ายทางพิเศษ A Study on Changes in Expressway User Behavior for the Use of the Multi-Lane Free Flow (M-Flow) Toll System on the Expressway Network

  • เสาวนี ศรีสุวรรณ กองวิจัยและพัฒนา การทางพิเศษแห่งประเทศไทย
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Keywords: Expressway, Expressway user behavior, Proportion of expressway users, Multi-Lane Free Flow (M-Flow)


The launch of the Multi-Lane Free Flow (M-Flow) toll collection system provides more options for expressway users to pay their tolls. This article presents a study on the change in behavior of expressway users and the decision to switch from the traditional toll collection system to the M-Flow system on the expressway network by collecting data from expressway users who pay with cash and Easy Pass/M-Pass. The study collected the data from both passenger car and truck group through interviews and electronic questionnaires. The study found that the passenger car group paying with cash was 14.4 percent more likely to switch to the
M-Flow system than the Easy Pass/M-Pass users, due to the time savings of going through toll gates. For the truck group, both cash and Easy Pass/M-Pass users are likely to use the traditional toll payment system for about 50 percent, as changing the toll system could affect their internal work processes. In addition, factors that will drive the expressway users who pay with cash and Easy Pass/M-Pass (both passenger car and truck groups) to switch to the M-Flow system include discounts, time saving from the congestion in front of the toll gates, and postpaid payment method.


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How to Cite
ศรีสุวรรณเ., - -, - -, - -, and - -, “Multi-Lane Free Flow (M-Flow) บนโครงข่ายทางพิเศษ A Study on Changes in Expressway User Behavior for the Use of the Multi-Lane Free Flow (M-Flow) Toll System on the Expressway Network”, ncce27, vol. 27, pp. TRL39-1, Sep. 2022.
Intelligent Transportation, Traffic and Logistics Engineering

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