Investigation of Permeability Function of Pavement Materials in Unsaturated Condition and Its Application

  • ปลื้ม ประทุมขำ
  • ธีรภัทร์ ศิริรัตนฉัตร กรมทางหลวง
  • อภินิติ โชติสังกาศ
  • อัคคพัฒน์ สว่างสุรีย์
Keywords: Permeability Function, Unsaturated Soil, Pavement Materials, Soil Moisture


The moisture content of the pavement material is an important factor that affects the strength of the pavement structure. This paper presents a study on the permeability function in unsaturated conditions of pavement materials with the Instantaneous Profile Method (IPM). The gravel and laterite were selected for testing with suction between 0 and 100 kPa. The results showed that the coefficient of permeability was in the range of 1x10-5 to 1x10-10 m/s and the air entry suction value of soil water characteristic curve varied between 1 to 3 kPa. The result of this study was applied to estimate moisture variation in the pavement due fluctuating groundwater level and to find the preventive solution for moisture-related deterioration of pavement materials in the future.


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How to Cite
ประทุมขำป., ศิริรัตนฉัตรธ., โชติสังกาศอ., & สว่างสุรีย์อ. (2023). Investigation of Permeability Function of Pavement Materials in Unsaturated Condition and Its Application. The 28th National Convention on Civil Engineering, 28, GTE46-1. Retrieved from

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