Evaluation of Subgrade Foundation Stability by Plate Bearing Test and Dynamic Penetration Test

  • ชนิดา ใสสุขสอาด สำนักอำนวยความปลอดภัย กรมทางหลวง
  • ศิวาเวช อบมา
  • อัคคพัฒน์ สว่างสุรีย์
  • อรรถสิทธิ์ สวัสดิ์พานิช
Keywords: Bearing Capacity, Stability, Subgrade Foundation


This paper presents the evaluation of subgrade foundation stability, which plays a vital role for pavement thickness design and embankment stability. A 3.5-kilometer High-Speed Railway Project Thai–China (Klang Dong–Pang Asok) under the supervision of Lomsak Road Construction Center, Department of Highways was selected because two test methods e.g. Plate Bearing Test (PBT) and Dynamic Penetration Test (DPT) were implemented in this project. Results indicated that subgrade foundation in High-Speed Railway Project Thai–China was stable and exhibited good bearing capacity.


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How to Cite
ใสสุขสอาดช., อบมาศ., สว่างสุรีย์อ. and สวัสดิ์พานิชอ. 2020. Evaluation of Subgrade Foundation Stability by Plate Bearing Test and Dynamic Penetration Test. The 25th National Convention on Civil Engineering. 25, (Jul. 2020), GTE37.

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