Design and Control of Wastewater Treatment System for Water Reuse by Semi-Automatic Operation

  • ณัฐภัทร เที้ยธิทรัพย์ ภาควิชาเทคโนโลยีวิศวกรรมโยธาและสิ่งแวดล้อม คณะวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีอุตสาหกรรม มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกล้าพระนครเหนือ
  • เจนจิต เอี่ยมจตุรภัทร
Keywords: SBR System, Wastewater Treatment, Water Reuse


This research studies and develops the wastewater treatment system in order to reuse the community discharge water in Khlong Bang Khen Mai for water usage activities in King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok. The results showed that the use of sequencing batch reactor (SBR) followed with sand and membrane filtration systems was effective in treating the water to meet the U.S. EPA standards for urban reuse. Treatment efficiencies for COD, BOD, and TOC removals were 66.2%, 51.9% and 31%. Nutrient removals included total nitrogen and phosphorus were 79.7% and 94.7%.  Removal efficiency of total coliform was 99%. Use of semi-automatic operating system could improve the water production capacity about two times higher than manual operating system, while fluctuation of water quality in the in Khlong Bang Khen Mai do not affect the quality of the produced water and still be used for indirect contact water activity.


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How to Cite
เที้ยธิทรัพย์ณ. and เอี่ยมจตุรภัทรเ. 2020. Design and Control of Wastewater Treatment System for Water Reuse by Semi-Automatic Operation. The 25th National Convention on Civil Engineering. 25, (Jul. 2020), ENV06.