Organizational Development Process of House Construction Firm Using Business Model Canvas Approach

  • วรนันท์ อิ่มโอษฐ์ ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมโยธา มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่
  • ดำรงศักดิ์ รินชุมภู


The business model of the house construction firm that is currently studying at present, the firm has no clear business model and also lack of gathering opinions and suggestions from internal staff in order to improve products and services to maximize customer value. Therefore, the objective is to study the organizational development process in relation to house construction business using business model canvas approach and to improve the business model for house construction firm to be reliable, modern, meet international standards including maintaining a profitable result by conducting group discussions of employees in company that operates house construction business in Chiang Mai and Lamphun by using the business model canvas, SWOT analysis, and Likert’s scale. The results of this study contribute to understanding the 9 business components that should be improved to suit the constraints of the organization such as adding a smart home system in the Value Propositions, adding a group of customers who want to improve buildings both for living and for business in the Customer Segments, improving coordination and facilitation in the Customer Relationship, adding contacts via social media in the Channels, increasing the use of building information technology for house construction in the Key Activities, increasing marketing staff and improving the potential of existing employees in the Key Resources, sending staffs to train with business partners to increase options in construction technology and materials for customers in the Key Partnerships which the results of the situation analysis and the business practices of the organization that will be adapted in the future of the house construction firm this time brings an opportunity for the cost structure of business operations to be reduced and revenue streams that are likely to increase when compared to the original business components at present. Finally, the benefits of this study are the organizational development process using business model canvas approach and the integration of ideas from the group discussion to find business components that appropriate for work including the opportunity to discover new forms of value that can be delivered to customers in the future.


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How to Cite
อิ่มโอษฐ์ว. and รินชุมภูด. 2020. Organizational Development Process of House Construction Firm Using Business Model Canvas Approach. The 25th National Convention on Civil Engineering. 25, (Jul. 2020), CEM15.
Construction Engineering and Management

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