The development of control system and construction quality check list of the Building Construction under the Supervision of Lo

  • กฤษณพงค ฟองสินธุ์ หลักสูตรวิศวกรรมบริหารงานก่อสร้าง คณะเทคโนโลยีอุตสาหกรรม มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏอุตรดิตถ์
Keywords: ตรวจสอบคุณภาพ, งานก่อสร้างอาคาร, องค์กรปกครองส่วนท้องถิ่น


The development of control system and construction quality check list of the Building Construction under the Supervision of Local Administration Authorities In Amphoe Muang Uttaradit Province. The data was collected from 38 samples in 19 places by using a questionnaire from civil engineer, chief civil engineer, construction engineer, supervisor or inspector and other relevant people of local administration authorities in the provinces of Uttaradit. The data were preliminary collected from the small conference to study advantages and faults when comparing with the previous inspection system , getting the new form to be used in the new inspection system and  would be taken for using at jobsite of the Building Construction. Statistical analysis consisted of mean, standard deviation. Following the study, it could be determined that the form of new inspection system was considered excellent. The roof work had the maximum average of 4.50 from 5.00 which was rated excellent, while the daily report had the minimum average of 4.14  from 5.00 that was considered good.


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Arditi, D. and Gunaydin, M. (2000). Factor that Affect Process Quality in the Life Cycle of Building Project. Journal of Management in Engineering, pp. 194-203.
How to Cite
ฟองสินธุ์ก. 2020. The development of control system and construction quality check list of the Building Construction under the Supervision of Lo. The 25th National Convention on Civil Engineering. 25, (Jul. 2020), CEM24.
Construction Engineering and Management