Development of Installation Planning System for Lightweight Concrete Wall using Building Information Modeling Concept

  • กมลทิพย์ พรชัยธเนศกุล ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมโยธา คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย
  • Vachara Peansupap Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University
Keywords: Optimization, Lightweight Concrete Wall, Installation Planning, Building Information Modelling


Lightweight concrete wall panels are widely used as they allows precise specification for the duration, scope and budget of work. Not only that, but they also enable material quality control to be standardized. The usage of such panel requires a process of arranging the wall as the wall has standard size. Installation lightweight concrete walls panel need to consider for two factors, the first, lightweight concrete wall size, the second, distance slot of installation because both can be the key factors to minimize space left over from the layout and time to cut leftover panel parts. Moreover, the reduction joint of installation is also an important factor to consider, as the increased number of joints will directly affect the total cost, resulting to higher costs. Currently the installation planning of lightweight concrete wall panel arrangement is carried out manually, which occasionally results in the leftover and panel arrangement not being optimally managed. The objective of research is to present a guideline for installation planning a lightweight concrete wall panel by using optimization technique and show the result on Building Information Modelling (BIM) to obtain the most appropriate arrangement. The system test results showed that the planning system can obtain fewer leftover areas than that of manual planning.


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How to Cite
พรชัยธเนศกุลก., & Peansupap, V. (2021). Development of Installation Planning System for Lightweight Concrete Wall using Building Information Modeling Concept. The 26th National Convention on Civil Engineering, 26, CEM-18. Retrieved from
Construction Engineering and Management