Sustainable Development and Extension of Rural Road Networks for Interprovincial Connection

  • อิชย์ ศิริประเสริฐ สำนักงานทางหลวงชนบทที่ 4 (เพชรบุรี) กรมทางหลวงชนบท กระทรวงคมนาคม
  • ไกวัลย์ โรจนานุกูล สำนักงานทางหลวงชนบทที่ 4 (เพชรบุรี) กรมทางหลวงชนบท กระทรวงคมนาคม
Keywords: Major Collector, Advanced Engineering Principles, Design Standard


The draft of the third action plan for decentralization process to local government organization specifies that the Department of Rural Roads is responsible for constructing and maintaining major collectors for interprovincial connection. The Department of Rural Roads is therefore required to identify the definition of major collectors and their classification, together with the development and extension of major collectors for interprovincial connection in compliance with the draft of the third action plan. The Office of Rural Roads 4 (Phetchaburi) is assigned to carry out this task as a pilot program within the area of five provinces. The results represent that major collectors, which will be responsible by the Department of Rural Roads, are collector roads, classified into seven different types of roads according to the strategy of organization and area, and required for advanced engineering principles and different design standards for different types of roads. The major collectors can be divided into seven types of roads depending on the strategy of organization and area. The development and extension      of the major collector network result in six rural roads for       interprovincial connection with the total distance of 1,217.375 kilometers. These consequences can be used as an example to develop the major collector network for interprovincial connection for the Department of Rural Roads as a whole. The results can also be utilized to determine the criteria of rural road design according to the function of each type of roads in order to increase the efficiency of rural road design in the future.


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How to Cite
ศิริประเสริฐอ. and โรจนานุกูลไ. 2020. Sustainable Development and Extension of Rural Road Networks for Interprovincial Connection. The 25th National Convention on Civil Engineering. 25, (Jul. 2020), TRL03.
Intelligent Transportation, Traffic and Logistics Engineering