Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Column Confined with Prestressed Steel Straps

  • อิทธิพล พสิษฐ์โยธิน
  • สายันต์ ศิริมนตรี
  • ชนะชัย ทองโฉม
Keywords: reinforced concrete, column, steel strap, ductility, strengthening


This article presents the experimental study on reinforced concrete (RC) column strengthened with prestressed steel straps. A total of five specimens is studied. A cross-section of all
specimens is 150x150 millimeters. The height is 1.20 meters. The variable studied is the spacing of steel straps (150 and 75 millimeters). All columns are subjected to the compressive force
without the eccentric load. The experimental data is recorded in terms of the load and deformation relationships, and mode of failure. Based on the experimental data, the reinforced
concrete column strengthened with steel straps enhance the axial load by 30 to 33 percent and increases the ductility by 71 to 118 percent. The spacing of steel straps has no effect on the
axial load but it affects the ductility when compared to the control specimen.


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How to Cite
พสิษฐ์โยธินอ., ศิริมนตรีส. and ทองโฉมช. 2020. Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Column Confined with Prestressed Steel Straps. The 25th National Convention on Civil Engineering. 25, (Jul. 2020), STR46.

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