Development of Building Information Modeling for fire evacuation analysis

  • ณชาภทร แสงจันทร์
  • ดารารัตน์ พันชะนะ
  • ผศ.ดร.เพชร์รัตน์ ลิ้มสุปรียารัตน์ ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมโยธา คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา
Keywords: fire evacuation, fire protection, hydraulic flow, building information modeling (BIM)


This research proposes a fire evacuation time analysis integrated with Building Information Modeling (BIM) for developing a guideline to improve fire protection system for each building conformed to ministerial regulation and fire evacuation design standards (DPT Standards 8301). The case study buildings are five three-stories laboratory buildings which locate in Faculty of Engineering, Burapha University. This study began with survey of building area for collecting data such as size, distance, material, and others, creating building information modeling, and inspecting based on regulations and standards. Then, analysis of fire evacuation time was done using hydraulic analogy which requires the important factors for example number of users, area size, and door width. The study results indicated file evacuation time of each building and also guideline for fire protection in 3D model format which is easy to understand.


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How to Cite
แสงจันทร์ณ., พันชะนะด. and ลิ้มสุปรียารัตน์ ผ. 2020. Development of Building Information Modeling for fire evacuation analysis. The 25th National Convention on Civil Engineering. 25, (Jul. 2020), CEM34.
Construction Engineering and Management