Inventory Management in Small Construction Business
Inventory, Inventory Management, ABC Classification System, Construction Material ManagementAbstract
This study is conducted by presenting guidelines for inventory management which is a part of the construction material management process for small construction businesses that requires more efficient approach to manage many types of inventory in large quantities by using tool that helps in managing inventory which is called the theory of ABC Classification System. The system classifies inventories according to the value of circulating material of the year into 3 groups which are A, B and C respectively. First, group A is the most significant material and has the highest scale of circulating rate. Second, group B is moderately important and has medium scale of circulating rate. Third, group C is the least important group which also has the lowest scale of circulating rate. The data is collected from purchasing and warehouse departments, which collect data from January to December both in 2018 and 2019. After that, the data will be calculated to find the value of each inventory item. Then, it will be divided into three groups. Base on the result of the classification system in a small construction business for 162 requisition items. It has shown that group A has 20 items, group B has 26 items, and group C has 116 items respective. The results of this study can be used to formulate policies for managing each group of inventory effectively, and can be used to reduce unnecessary inventory costs.
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