Effect of Replacement of Fine Aggregate with HDPE Recycled Plastic Particles on Fresh Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete

  • Nuntachai Chusilp Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya (RUTS)
  • Chuthamat Laksanakit Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya (RUTS)
  • Arun Lookjan Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya (RUTS)
Keywords: Self-compacting concrete, HDPE, Recycled plastic, Fresh properties


This is study aims to investigate the effect of the replacement of fine aggregate with HDPE recycled plastic on fresh properties of self-compacting concrete (SCC). Four levels of HDPE recycled plastic were replaced (0%, 5%, 10%, and 15%) by weight of fine aggregate, by using water-cement (W/C) ratio at 0.4 including 660 kg/m3 and 560 kg/m3 of cement. The deformation test using slump flow, segregation test using V-funnel, and ability of passing though steel bar using L-box and J-ring were conducted. It was found that the slump flow values of 5% of replacement increased and higher than that of the control about 4-6 percent. Whereas the exceed 5% of replacement was produced, the reducing of slump flow values were occurred by 15-30 percent comparing with the controls. Segregation of all mixes presented exceedingly values of typical requirements for SCC and varied by the increasing of replacement. These indicated that all mixes of this study had very thick viscosity and consequently segregated when pouring. For the ability of passing though steel bars of L-box and J-ring test, the mixes with 660 kg/m3 showed an unidentified trend. Further, the mixes with 560 kg/m3 presented the remarkable decreasing trend. The mixes with exceed 5% of replacement were observed with 67-76 percent reducing compared to the controls. The five percent replacement of fine aggregate with HDPE recycled plastic seem to have acceptable values of slump flow and ability of passing through obstruction of L-box and J-ring according to the requirements of ASTM and EFNARC.


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How to Cite
Chusilp, N., Laksanakit, C. and Lookjan, A. 2020. Effect of Replacement of Fine Aggregate with HDPE Recycled Plastic Particles on Fresh Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete. The 25th National Convention on Civil Engineering. 25, (Jul. 2020), MAT11.