Cutting waste minimization of reinforced bars in building construction

  • เจตณัฐ ประภพรัตนกุล
  • ชญานนท์ พรเจริญ ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมโยธา คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย
  • ภูริเดช ศิลป์ไพบูลย์พานิช
  • เสวกชัย ตั้งอร่ามวงศ์
Keywords: Building Information Modeling, Reinforced Bars, Optimal Lapping Position, Minimizes The Cutting Waste’s Function, Optimal Cutting Pattern


This paper presents the optimization design process for finding the optimal lapping position of reinforced bars within building columns which minimizes waste from the cutting process. The procedure is divided into 3 parts: Firstly, creating a 3D structural model using Building Information Modeling (BIM) to obtain the data of column height, size, and quantity of steel reinforcement. Second, processing the data from the 3D model to formulate the cutting waste’s function based on allowable lapping locations and lapping lengths according to ACI 318-19 and DPT 1103-52 standards. Lastly, finding the lapping location that minimizes the cutting waste’s function and return the details of the construction drawing including the location and optimal cutting pattern. The result from the case study of a 6-story building represents that the scrap of reinforced bars in the column structure is reduced by 2,123.520 kilograms compared to the other method that not considering the lapping position 10,465.920 kilograms which can reduce the total amount of steel reinforcement in the columns 20.29%.


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ประภพรัตนกุลเ., พรเจริญช., ศิลป์ไพบูลย์พานิชภ., & ตั้งอร่ามวงศ์เ. (2023). Cutting waste minimization of reinforced bars in building construction. The 28th National Convention on Civil Engineering, 28, CEM39-1. Retrieved from