The Performance of Voided Slab System in Two-way RC Slab Structure

  • เจตนิพัทธ์ พรชยานนท์
  • นักษา กาญจนคีรีรัตน์
  • เอื้ออังกูร พุทธัง
  • ธัชวีร์ ลีละวัฒน์
  • พรเพ็ญ ลิมปนิลชาติ ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมโยธาและสิ่งเเวดล้อม มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
Keywords: Plastic Voided Slab, Two-way Reinforced Concrete Slab with Beams, Span length, Structural weight, Slab thickness


Weight reduction of RC slabs is the key factor affected the cost optimization of project. Several technologies have been developed for Decades to deal with this achievement. Voided RC slab system is one of those solutions by replacing the plastic voided shape instead of concrete. The structural dead load can be reduced, while the sufficient capacity can be remained. Void slab system is typically used with the flat slab system aboard, but rarely utilized in the system of Two-way RC slab supported with beams. Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate the performance of Voided slabs compared to Normal RC slabs under Two-way slab analysis supported with beams in structural building. There are two parts in this study. First, the various slab sizes of Voided and Normal RC slabs (from 4 to 10 m) were compared in thickness, dead load, and the reduction percentage of their selfweight. The results show that the benefit of utilized Voided slab was observed from slab size of 7.5 m onwards. Consequently, the efficiency of Voided slab system was extended into the practical design of the 3rd floor building with dimension of 6x8 m compared to conventional Two-way RC slab design. The investigation found that to use Void slab system in this design system was not significantly shown in slab thickness and other corresponding structural elements. However, the structural dead load was reduced and affected the lower distributed load on the foundation up to 6 percent compared to Normal RC slab building.


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How to Cite
พรชยานนท์เ., กาญจนคีรีรัตน์น., พุทธังเ., ลีละวัฒน์ธ., and ลิมปนิลชาติพ., “The Performance of Voided Slab System in Two-way RC Slab Structure”, ncce27, vol. 27, pp. STR49-1, Sep. 2022.

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