Factors of construction control problems within vocational institutions

  • พรกนก พวงมาลา สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกล้าเจ้าคุณทหารลาดกระบัง
  • วุฒิชัย ชาติพัฒนานันท์


Internal construction projects of vocational institutions have job control problems which causes obstacles during the process of the construction project within the vocational institute causing delays in construction lawsuits between the government and contractors. This research compiles problems in construction supervision within vocational institutions by using questionnaires as a tool to questions from teachers, personnel who involved in construction supervision of vocational institutions in the government sector by collecting researches and classifying the problems of construction supervision within vocational institutions into 5 basic factors which are 1) the problem factors in the characteristics of the controller. 2) the problem of the construction preparation. 3) the problem of the process during the construction control. 4) the problem of the report of the construction results and 5) the problem of the operation procedure. After completion from the study it has grouped the factors of the construction control problems and analyzed the group of the factors that influence the construction control.


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How to Cite
พวงมาลาพ. and ชาติพัฒนานันท์ว. 2020. Factors of construction control problems within vocational institutions. The 25th National Convention on Civil Engineering. 25, (Jul. 2020), CEM31.
Construction Engineering and Management