Use of Water Supply Treatment sludge in Mortar Grount in joint of Precast concrete pavement Grouting

  • ตะวัน เพชรอาวุธ วิศวกรรมโยธา มทร.ธัญบุรี
  • จตุพล ตั้งปกาศิต
Keywords: Water sludge , grouting , joint of pavement , bonding strength


This research aims to study the effects of using water supply treatment sludge from the bangkhen water supply treatment plant was used to partially replace in Portland cement type I by weight for the joint of Precast concrete pavement mortar grouting due to bonding strength, bending and direct tension. The tested of concrete cube 15x15x15 cm., cylinder 15x30, beam 10x10x60 and I-shape were determined at age of 1, 3, 7 and 28 days. The results showed thatthe specific gravity of water supply excess sluge was lower than sand but the absorption was higher than sand. The compressive strength of water supply treatment sluge to replace Portland cement at the rate of 5 percent with water cement ratio as 0.35 was highest strength of mortar grouting. Bonding strength of mortar grount was higher than place steel bar while casting concrete at early ages. At the age of 28 day, bonding strength of mortar grount was lower than place steel bar while casting concrete. The direction tension was not effect by the age of sample.


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How to Cite
เพชรอาวุธต. and ตั้งปกาศิตจ. 2020. Use of Water Supply Treatment sludge in Mortar Grount in joint of Precast concrete pavement Grouting. The 25th National Convention on Civil Engineering. 25, (Jul. 2020), STR41.