Application of UAVs Surveying for Rock volume measurement at Khao Bandai Nang quarry Songkhla Province

  • ต่อลาภ การปลื้มจิตร สาขาวิชาวิศวกรรมสำรวจ คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลศรีวิชัย
  • วีระวัฒน์ เกตุทอง
  • ณัฐวุฒิ พูลภักดี
  • ศุภกิตติ์ พรหมเมศร์
Keywords: UAVs, Digital photogrammetry, Quarry volume


This article presents the study of UAVs surveying for rock volume measurement in quarrying. The objective of study the application of UAVs images processing for the calculated volume of rock at the quarry and to compare the volume of the rock with UAVs Photogrammetry from many different GCPs by using GNSS RTK network. The study area at Khao Bandai Nang quarry Songkhla Province. Which has a flying height of 120 meters above the terrain. A total of 250 images average ground sampling distance (GSD) about 3.38 cm. The mean reprojection error is 0.138 pixels. The results were DSM and Ortho imagery with 3.38 cm. resolution. And used DSM to calculate the volume of rock in a quarry by 3d analysis tool result by without the GCP was 1,100,405.80 cu m. the method of using 1GCP was 1,194,680.07 cu m., 2GCPs was 194,893.64 cu m., 3GCPs was 1,194,701.21 cu m., 4GCPs was 1,194,099.52 cu m. And with Survey by UAVs Photogrammetry standard 5GCPs was 1,765,878.93 cu m. 6GCPs was 1,765,801.67 cu m.


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How to Cite
การปลื้มจิตรต., เกตุทองว., พูลภักดีณ. and พรหมเมศร์ศ. 2020. Application of UAVs Surveying for Rock volume measurement at Khao Bandai Nang quarry Songkhla Province . The 25th National Convention on Civil Engineering. 25, (Jul. 2020), SGI12.
Survey and Geographic Information System Engineering