A study on the status of applying business continuity plan for reducing risk factors for managing construction project in flood situation
Business Continuity Plan, Crisis, Flood, Construction Project ManagementAbstract
The flood is the one of natural disaster that caused the direct and indirect impacts to the construction project management. There are difficult situations for managing under the budget and schedule. The construction industry in the future will need the guideline for preparing and creating a backup plan for effective project management to the continuity project management and minimal loss in the crisis situations. This research aims to study the status of applying business continuity management for managing the construction project and the risk factors of construction project management in a flood situation. The results of this research will be used as the useful basic information for developing the construction management plan for the flood situation in the future. The research methodology is the development of questionnaire to interview 250 samples that include the civil engineer in the executive and operational level. In conclusion, the level of awareness for preparing and creating backup plans is at the middle level, and lack of understanding. The most projects do not use the business continuity management principle in the project management. The different size company has the different ratings in the problems and obstacles. All risk factors are at the high risk levels that need the risk control procedures to be at an acceptable level.
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