Using Nighttime Light Satellite Image Predicts the Tap Water Usage of Thailand


  • Jetsadayut Krainara ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมแหล่งน้ำ คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย


แสงไฟในเวลากลางคืน, การใช้น้ำของประเทศไทย, รายได้ของประชาชน, ArcMap 10.2


This article presents the utilization of the Night Time Light photos in Thailand from DMSP satellites. By using nighttime lights to predict the tap water usage of Thailand. By means of finding relationships between the population, the number of tap water users, the public income In each province of Thailand comparing with the intensity of the light obtained from satellite images. By using ArcMap 10.2 converts the light from satellite to be the numbers 0 – 63. When the results are analyzed by plotting the relationship between lighting and number of population, GPP value and number of tap water users in each district, sub-district. It was found that the relationship between light and the number of population, GPP and the number of tap water users, as already mentioned, tend to be in the same direction. Therefore, it can be concluded that the light from satellites can be used as an indicator and can be utilized to efficiently predict future tap water usage.


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เยาวรัตน์ เกกินะ. การประยุกต์ใช้ภาพถ่ายดาวเทียมแสงสว่างกลางคืน (Nighttime Light Satellite Image)
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How to Cite

Krainara, J. 2020. Using Nighttime Light Satellite Image Predicts the Tap Water Usage of Thailand. The 25th National Convention on Civil Engineering. 25, (Jul. 2020), WRE06.