The Relationship between the Water Level and the Flow Cross-sectional Area of the River in the Northeastern Basin of Thailand

  • โกวิท บุญรอด สาขาวิศวกรรมโยธา คณะอุตสาหกรรมและเทคโนโลยี มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลอีสาน วิทยาเขตสกลนคร
  • สมพินิจ เหมืองทอง
  • หริส ประสารฉ่ำ
  • วินัย เชาวน์วิวัฒน์
Keywords: Water Level, Cross-sectional Area, Flow Velocity, Flow Depth, Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP)


The purpose of this research was to find the relationship between the water level and the cross-sectional area of the river in the Northeastern watershed by considering at the location of the hydrometer installation station of the Hydro-Informatics Institute (HII) in the Mekong, Chi and Mun rivers Total of 10 stations with flow velocity measurement with Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data were collected during the rainy and dry seasons. The results of the field tests were then used to analyze the flow velocity. Mean flow rate and flow cross-sectional data. The results were used to expand the water level and river flow cross-sectional data. Considering the rise and fall of the water level in a time-series model, the result is the correlation of the cross-sectional area and the flow depth at different ranges of values. It is part of the development of applications for measuring flow rates using video imaging techniques. Together with the water level data from the HII telemeter station.


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How to Cite
บุญรอดโ., เหมืองทองส., ประสารฉ่ำห., & เชาวน์วิวัฒน์ว. (2023). The Relationship between the Water Level and the Flow Cross-sectional Area of the River in the Northeastern Basin of Thailand. The 28th National Convention on Civil Engineering, 28, WRE10-1. Retrieved from

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