Environmental Quality Monitoring : A Case Study of Songkhla Deep Sea Port Renovation

A Case Study of Songkhla Deep Sea Port Renovation

  • สุรางคนา ตรังคานนท์ สาขาวิศวกรรมโยธาและสิ่งแวดล้อม คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์
  • อมรรัตน์ หวลกะสิน
  • เพ็ญนภา ทองประไพ
  • ธนิยา เกาศล
  • หทัยรัตน์ หิตาชาติ
Keywords: Environmental Quality Monitoring, Sea Port Rehabilitation, Quality Inspection Standard of Water, Air, Sound


The objective of this research is to analyze the environmental quality during renovation of the Songkhla deep sea port where the piles were driven to replace the damaged piles for 4 months of renovation period. The environmental quality monitoring was monitored as follows: 1) sea water quality in front of the port, 2) sound level at the rehabilitation and entrance port areas, and 3) the particulate matter at the rehabilitation and entrance port areas. The monitoring results were compared with the announcements to the National Environment Board. The results showed that 1) the results of sea water quality monitoring for five times, i.e. transparency, dissolved oxygen, total suspended solids, pH and salinity did not exceed the sea water quality standards, type 5 utilization for industry and port, 2) the results of sound quality monitoring for 4 times showed that the 24-hour average sound level of the deep sea port exceeded the sound level standards. But at the entrance area of Songkhla deep sea port, the 24-hour average and maximum sound levels did not exceed the sound level standards and 3) the results of air quality monitoring for 4 times showed that the 24-hour average of TSP and PM10, did not exceed the air pollution standards. Therefore, port rehabilitation should add the preventive measures to reduce the sound level impact.


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How to Cite
ตรังคานนท์ส., หวลกะสินอ., ทองประไพเ., เกาศลธ., & หิตาชาติห. (2023). Environmental Quality Monitoring : A Case Study of Songkhla Deep Sea Port Renovation . The 28th National Convention on Civil Engineering, 28, ENV02-1. Retrieved from https://conference.thaince.org/index.php/ncce28/article/view/2040

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