Comparison of Numbers and Locations of Signal Faces at Signalised Intersection : Australia and Thailand Intersections Case study


  • นพคุณ บุญกระพือ ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมโยธา คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา
  • ฐิติมา โพธิพันธ์
  • ชยาภรณ์ หน่อทอง


Signalised Intersection, Signal Faces, Traffic Signal


One of the most important factors for effective and safe traffic control at signalised intersections is the proper installation of traffic signal faces. In addition, road users are encouraged to obey traffic regulations at signalised intersections. Improper or inadequate installation and noncompliance with signalization guidelines at various types of intersections would confuse road users, reduce their confidence, and cause them to disobey traffic rules. The objective of this study, therefore, is to compare signal face installation guidelines in Australia and Thailand, considering both numbers and locations of signal faces, and several sampling intersection sites were examined in both countries and compared with the installation guidelines. The results of this study found that most signalised intersections in Australia installed more signal faces than the minimum requirement, while in Thailand only 53% of signalised intersections installed the number of signal faces according to the minimum requirement. The location of traffic signal faces, both primary and secondary, at large intersections in Thailand, is a major deficiency that needs improvement. The standard or guideline for installing traffic signal faces at signalised intersections in Thailand needs to be improved or made more precise. In addition, it is always necessary to check whether the installation at the intersection is in accordance with the guidelines.


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How to Cite

บุญกระพือ น., โพธิพันธ์ ฐ., & หน่อทอง ช. (2023). Comparison of Numbers and Locations of Signal Faces at Signalised Intersection : Australia and Thailand Intersections Case study . The 28th National Convention on Civil Engineering, 28, TRL49–1. Retrieved from

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