A study trapping efficiency and mitigation of dry granular and driftwood flow behavior on open check dam

  • ทศพล ทุ่งฝนภูมิ ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมโยธา คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยพะเยา
  • ศุภณัฐ กาศสนุก
  • สิปปกร สุขโภชน์
  • อาทิตย์ เรืองยศ
  • ปาลินี สุมิตสวรรค์
  • ขวัญสิรินภา ธนะวงศ์
  • สุริยาวุธ ประอ้าย
Keywords: Debris flow, Trapping efficiency, Mitigation, Open check dam


This article was prepared for the objective of determining the efficacy of open check dams in the trapping efficiency and mitigation of landslide and debris flow using dry granular and driftwood (debris) as the experimental materials flowing in flume testing. Using 2 types of open check dams, namely Alpha-shape and V-shape layout, each of the open check dams has internal angles of 80, 90, and 100 degrees, for a total of 6 open check dams in the experiment. The flow slope is set at 25 and 30 degrees. An open check dam is installed in front and an impact gauge check dam is installed behind it to measure the impact force when debris flows through the open check dams. In the experiment, the flow of debris against the impact gauge check dam would increase in pressure continuously over time. Debris moving against the impact gauge check dam develops a pile, and lateral pressure is applied by the impact gauge check dam against the debris previous self, thereby reducing the force acting on the impact gauge check dam. The trapping efficiency and mitigation performance of an open check dam are uncertain when the flow slope is different. Therefore, the application of the open check dam layout should be used following the nature of that area.


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How to Cite
ทุ่งฝนภูมิท., “A study trapping efficiency and mitigation of dry granular and driftwood flow behavior on open check dam”, ncce27, vol. 27, pp. GTE50-1, Sep. 2022.

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