Efficiency Comparison between Flat Voided Slab and RC Flat Slab Systems

  • กรวิชญ์ หงส์ธารารักษ์
  • ปกรณ์ธรรม นันทวิสิทธิ์
  • ธีชวีร์ ลีละวัฒน์
  • พรเพ็ญ ลิมปนิลชาติ ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมโยธาและสิ่งเเวดล้อม มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
Keywords: RC Flat Slab, Flat Voided Slab, Span length, Structural weight, Slab thickness


Flat voided slab is another type of reinforced concrete slab, in which some parts of concrete are replaced with plastic voided shapes. This system leads to reduce its structural dead weight, which is one factor to achieve an advanced structural design with longer span length, less dimension of corresponding structural components, and ease of budget control in the project. However, the use of Flat voided slab system in Thailand is still limited due to lack of know-how, insufficient information to confirm its performance. Therefore, this research aims to study the performance of Flat voided slab compared to Flat slab system with varied slab sizes. The results of thickness, structural dead load and the reducing percentage of their self-weight are compared. Moreover, the effect of using Flat voided slab in structural building is also investigated through the comparison between Flat voided slab and Normal flat slab applied in 5th floor building with span length of 9 m. The result shows that to use Flat voided slab in the building significantly affected the reduction of structural dead load and leaded to the smaller dimension of column and number of piles. Consequently, the distributed loading on the foundation could be reduced up to 16%.


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How to Cite
หงส์ธารารักษ์ก., นันทวิสิทธิ์ป., ลีละวัฒน์ธ., and ลิมปนิลชาติพ., “Efficiency Comparison between Flat Voided Slab and RC Flat Slab Systems”, ncce27, vol. 27, pp. STR07-1, Sep. 2022.

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