The study of the duration for controlling the usage of installed air chambers affected on the pressure and flow rate in the water supply system

  • พนิดา สีมาวุธ ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมโยธา มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีมหานคร
Keywords: Air Chamber, Pressure, Plain Tube


This study aims to investigate how the duration for controlling the usage of installed air chambers affected on the pressure and flow rate in the water supply system. This experiment was conducted by using a water supply system with a maximum of three Air chambers, passing through a 2-inch-water pipe. The experiment was divided into nine cases, each with a different control of Air Chamber usage and the opening and closing of the downstream door using a flow rate ranging from 140 to 300 litres per minute. The findings indicated no differences between installing two and three Air chambers. In the aspect of controlling the Air Chamber usage, the eighth case study primarily tested by closing the downstream door and opening the Air Chamber until the pressure in the Air Chamber met the 6-second maximum. Secondly, allow the water in the pipe to drain. Following that, control the opening and closing of the air chamber usage with the downstream door for 10 seconds, periodically for 80 seconds. This approach can help trap the air in the pipe and represents the best solution to reduce the fluctuation of flow rate and pressure.


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How to Cite
สีมาวุธพ. (2023). The study of the duration for controlling the usage of installed air chambers affected on the pressure and flow rate in the water supply system. The 28th National Convention on Civil Engineering, 28, INF03-1. Retrieved from