Applying Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Land Management Based on Estimated Construction Costs

  • ยอดชาย สิงห์ทอง สาขาวิชาโยธา มทร.สุวรรณภูมิ
  • กำพล ทรัพย์สมบูรณ์
  • กรกฏ นุสิทธิ
Keywords: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Cost Estimate, Management, Amount Soil


After predicament coronavirus (COVID-19) spread around the world affect all around and construction industry. But predicament brings about technology and solutions techniques for an easy, fast and low resource to compensate. Become to important point use techniques to estimate amount of soil with UAV for trucks management to transport in cost estimation principle with Agisoft Matashape program amount of soil compare result between amount in geometric objects for found discrepancy and analyze many trucks for transport in reserve cost estimation principle. This research investigates the amount of soil with UAV and process result with the program found amount of soil at 777.35 m3. Compared with the amount of geometric objects with program, the resulting discrepancy increased by 6.8%. Therefore, amount of soil reduces is 724.49 m3, and reserve cost estimation principle at 30%; therefore amount of soil increases is 941.84 m3. That follows standard transport by trucks using 63 round direct cost is 21,512 baths. This research shows Techniques for Estimating amount of soil with UAV for truck management to transport in cost estimation principle have efficiency, easy, fast, and can use in a real case for cost management.


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How to Cite
สิงห์ทองย., ทรัพย์สมบูรณ์ก., & นุสิทธิก. (2023). Applying Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Land Management Based on Estimated Construction Costs. The 28th National Convention on Civil Engineering, 28, CEM28-1. Retrieved from