Testing for Hydraulic Conductivity of Mae Moh Expansive Soil and Estimation of Seepage Time from a Reservoir to a Damaged Building

  • จุฬาลักษณ์ ทองแท่ง ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมโยธา คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่
  • Sethapong Sethabouppha
Keywords: Expansive Soil, Hydraulic Conductivity, Seepage through Expansive Soil


The value of hydraulic conductivity (k) is an important parameter for expansive soils. It can be used for estimating the heaving time of soil surfaces and buildings constructed on expansive soils. The value can also be used to design perimeters or distances between drilled holes for injection of some substances used for reducing the swell potential of the soils. This article presents results of hydraulic conductivity tested both in a laboratory and in situ on expansive soil in Mae Moh District, Lampang Province. The results showed that the laboratory value was 4.49E-08 cm/s and the in-situ value was 6.29E-05 cm/s. In addition, a simulation of water seepage through expansive soil from a water reservoir to a damaged building sitting on expansive soil was conducted. The simulation demonstrated that the estimated time after the reservoir was built until the damage occurred to the building was close to the actual time.


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How to Cite
ทองแท่งจ. and S. Sethabouppha, “Testing for Hydraulic Conductivity of Mae Moh Expansive Soil and Estimation of Seepage Time from a Reservoir to a Damaged Building”, ncce27, vol. 27, pp. GTE49-1, Sep. 2022.