The Obstacles of the Design of Small-sized Common Housing Buildings in Bangkok.

  • ทองพูล ทาสีเพชร สาขาวิศวกรรมก่อสร้าง คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์และสถาปัตยกรรมศาสตร์ มทร.ตะวันออก



               The building designers often faced with many legal building related problems when they design and do drawings of the Common Housing Buildings to apply for building permits. Therefore, this causes the designers to design incorrectly and have to revise. It also causes work to be delayed, wasting time, and losing investment opportunities. However, there are many researchers and designers trying to solve this problem. The author therefore compiled the law and arranged it systematically to check the obstacles of the design of Small-sized common housing buildings and to guide the designers to design the building quickly and with the correct building sizes. The study used the 2013 Bangkok Master Plan and the 2001 Bangkok Legislation on Building Control Act as the basis for the design. The study found that systematic collection and Step-by-Step arrangement of specific building laws and the check on the obstacles of the design of small-sized Common Housing Buildings should be done by using the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) and the Open Space Ratio (OSR), including using the principle of the maximum living areas to find the building size. These methods help building designers find that it is easy to understand and can design quickly. Also, the building size is correct. Therefore, this system can be used as a guideline for finding the building areas in each category.

Keywords: Obstacles of the Design, Small-sized Common Housing Building, Floor Area Ratio (FAR), Open Space Ratio (OSR)


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How to Cite
ทาสีเพชรท. (2021). The Obstacles of the Design of Small-sized Common Housing Buildings in Bangkok. The 26th National Convention on Civil Engineering, 26, CEM-01. Retrieved from
Construction Engineering and Management