Application of Building Information Modeling Process to Develop Rebar Cutting List

  • ปัณณาสิศ สัญญาโณ ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมโยธา คณะวิศวกรรมศาตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม
Keywords: Building Information Modeling, Rebar cutting list, Linear Programing theory


The objective of this study is to apply the process of building information modeling to making a rebar cutting list. Based on linear program theory, to assist in the analysis of the amount of rebar of the column on the 4-story building project (earthquake-resistant building codes). The study starts with determining a connection pattern according to the earthquake-resistant reinforced concrete standards codes. There are 3 types: Type 1 (C1-1), a vertical steel lapping at the middle of level 2. Type 2 (C1-2), a vertical steel lapping at the middle of level 3. And Type 3 (C1-3), a vertical steel lapping at the middle of every floor. Software BIM, "Auto Desk Revit" will be generated into the Rebar cutting list. Then take the shape of bending (Rebar Number) from the rebar cutting list table was used to determine the rebar cutting parameters. To find the suitability of rebar cutting. And then divided into three groups of rebar lengths: 10 meters. 12 meters. And mixed length 10 meters. And 12 meters. Together with all 3 forms. Found that, the preparation of the list of steel cutting lists of the columns, form C1-2 uses a length of 12.00 meters of rebar, minimum output is 34,635 kilograms and scrap is 1,832.17 kilograms. The ratio of scrap to rebar is 5.29. It shows that the use of linear programming theory together with the use of BIM software, the best results are achieved.


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How to Cite
สัญญาโณป. (2021). Application of Building Information Modeling Process to Develop Rebar Cutting List. The 26th National Convention on Civil Engineering, 26, CEM-20. Retrieved from
Construction Engineering and Management