Pipe Network System Analysis of Provincial Waterworks Authority, Angthong Branch Using EPANET Model

  • ณัฐวรรณ สุขสุมิตร ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมโยธา คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกล้าธนบุรี
  • ชัยวัฒน์ เอกวัฒน์พานิชย์
  • ดวงฤดี โฆษิตกิตติวงศ์
Keywords: Pipe Network System, Provincial Waterworks Authority Angthong Branch, DMA, EPANET


Provincial Water Authority, Angthong Branch that has a high rate of water loss. There are various causes of water loss; such as, leaking pipes, pipe size and water pressure not suitable for the water supply, water pressure management not suitable for demand, etc. This research simulated the water flow and water pressure of the water pipe network using the mathematical model EPANET to analyze the problems and determine the solutions. The data from August 2021 were used to simulated the Ang Thong main water supply station. The calibration results of the water flow rate at outlet DMA01 had the R-square reliability of 0.99. In addition, the R-square from the calibration results of the water pressure was 0.89, respectively. Furthermore, the simulation results of the water flow rate and water pressure of the Angthong PWA indicated that the supply was divided into two period, which were On-peak (17.00 and 18.00 Hrs.) and Off-peak (01.00 and 13.00 Hrs.). The water flow rate and water pressure were sufficient for the users in the 4DMA, except at DMA04 (Ang Thong-Pho Thong Nam Rung) where the water pressure during the On-peak and Off-peak periods was at a critical condition, the water pressure was lower than 5 meters, resulting in weak water supply in the area. Therefore, the water pressure problem at the DMA04 was solved. The best solution was using a pressure reducing valve and pressure management. The results from applied EPANET model, the water pressure at the DMA04 improved and exceed the critical condition 5 meters, and the water pressure managed to correspond to the demand for each period. As a result, and the average water pressure at DMA04 increased from 7.26 to 11.85 meters. Therefore, from case study if the results of the analysis of the water pipe network was applied to practice, resulting in better pressure management and reduce the rate of water loss.




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How to Cite
สุขสุมิตรณ., เอกวัฒน์พานิชย์ช., and โฆษิตกิตติวงศ์ด., “Pipe Network System Analysis of Provincial Waterworks Authority, Angthong Branch Using EPANET Model”, ncce27, vol. 27, pp. WRE30-1, Sep. 2022.

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