Flooding Simulation In the Mun River Ubonratchathani Province of the Year 2019 Using Infoworks-ICM : In Case Study From Mueang Ubonratchathani District To the Estuary of the Mun River

  • เสาวณีย์ บุญเลิศ ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมโยธา คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยอุบลราชธานี
  • Rerkchai Srivoramas
Keywords: Flood, Mun River, Ubon Ratchathani Province, Infoworks-ICM


This article presents the results of simulating flooding conditions of the Mun river. A case study of the Mun River from Muang District Ubon Ratchathani Province to the Mun River estuary in 2019 using Infoworks-ICM. By collecting and analyzing the data in the basic of model study including to meteorological and hydrology data, characteristics of physical section of Mun River basin along the model methodology. The study will calculate and simulate by using the collected data and model calibration in basic flow conditions and finally forecast the flood conditions that occurred in the year 2019. The results found that there are many factor that affect to the occurrence of floods, including the continuation of the storm, many successive collections of the Chi River basin which carry the water before flowing into the study area. Shape and physical dimensions of the Mun River along the entire length and the presence of shoals on islets that obstruct the flow of water and the level of the Mekong River, which is filled with water downstream, etc. Condition simulation methodology it is a on-dimensional flow study. The imported data consists of the 65 cross-sections, including the distance studied along the river of approximately 90 km, and the topographic model of the watershed created from the system. Geographic information (GIS) with hydraulic flow rates at upstream stations and water level irrigation at the downstream station of the river range considered as the condition the upstream and downstream boundaries, respectively, were used to synthesize the data with the equation related to the flow rate and the watershed area size. The flow volume at the estuary of the branch and used as the side flow data for the model. And the extent of flooded areas, which can be used as educational representatives. Flood conditions in 2019 and the model can also be used as a tool for the management of the Mun River during the study area.


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How to Cite
บุญเลิศเ., K. Srivoramas, and R. Srivoramas, “Flooding Simulation In the Mun River Ubonratchathani Province of the Year 2019 Using Infoworks-ICM : In Case Study From Mueang Ubonratchathani District To the Estuary of the Mun River ”, ncce27, vol. 27, pp. INF06-1, Sep. 2022.