Lateritic Soil Improvement with Calcium Carbide Residue Mixed in Different Ratios

  • อัตพล บุบพิ สาขาวิชาครุศาสตร์อุตสาหกรรมโยธา คณะครุศาสตร์อุตสาหกรรม มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลอีสาน วิทยาเขตขอนแก่น
  • ปราชญ์ อมรภิญโญ
  • ยงยุทธ ศิริศรีเพ็ชร์
  • จาลุวัฒน์ สีดา
  • พิชชาภา พัฒนกูลเกียรติ
  • ศุภสิทธิ์ สายขุน
Keywords: Lateral soil, Calcium carbide, improvement, Unconfined compressive strength test


The objectives of this project are was to study the unconfined compressive strength of laterite soil mixed with calcium carbide Residue (CCR) Which is industrial waste from Acetylene gas production. In order to reduce waste and reduce by mixing in the ratio of 0% to 12% receptively Which has factor that affect the compressive strength, including calcium carbide residue content, compressive strength, water content and sample curing time of the sample tested by standard proctor test The result of unconfined compressive test. The soil mixed in 0% calcium carbide residue to receive a compressive strength as 2.969 ksc 2% has strength of 3.248 ksc a 4%, has a strength of 4.303 ksc a 6% has strength of 4.508 ksc a 8%, has strength of 4.710 ksc a 10%, has strength of 4.412 ksc a 12%, a strength of 4.330 ksc The soil mixed with calcium carbide sludge had the highest compressive strength without lateral force at 8%, with a compressive strength of 4.710 ksc and higher strength from laterite soil without calcium carbide sludge. Up to 58.639%


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บุบพิอ., อมรภิญโญป., ศิริศรีเพ็ชร์ย., สีดาจ., พัฒนกูลเกียรติพ., and สายขุนศ., “Lateritic Soil Improvement with Calcium Carbide Residue Mixed in Different Ratios”, ncce27, vol. 27, pp. GTE57-1, Sep. 2022.

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