Application of Remote Sensing Data for Classifying Urban Tree Canopy in Nakhonratchasima City Municipality

  • เยาวเรศ จันทะคัต มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลอีสาน
Keywords: Remote Sensing Techniques, Satellite Image Classification, Urban Tree Canopy


Currently, application of remote (RS) data to classify urban canopy coverings has played a key role in assessing urban trees and green spaces. Therefore, the objective is to apply RS data for classifying urban tree canopy (UTC) cover in Nakhon Ratchasima City Municipality (NCM). Methodology includes (1) selecting and preparing satellite data from Google Earth program in year 2020-2021, (2) classification of land use and UTC cover with visual interpretation, and (3) assessment accuracy-based ground check and matrix table. As results, there is UTC cover in NCM (total NCM-area 37.78 about 66.48 (17.14%) where is covered by 43.12 of urban and built-up, 15.24 of agriculture, 6.11 natural forest and 2.10 of others (right of way on roads and water body edge). There is assessment accuracy-field check 81.56%. Consequently, the results of this study will be used as spatial information for green city development in NCM including suggestion for further work that factors affecting the relationship between land use and canopy cover should be studied.


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How to Cite
จันทะคัตเ. (2021). Application of Remote Sensing Data for Classifying Urban Tree Canopy in Nakhonratchasima City Municipality . The 26th National Convention on Civil Engineering, 26, SGI-05. Retrieved from
Survey and Geographic Information System Engineering