A study traffic volume at a site during construction hours


  • อรอิริยา โยธา ภาควิชาวิศวกรรมขนส่ง คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกล้าพระนครเหนือ
  • Terdsak Rongviriyapanich


Construction site, Traffic impact, Traffic evaluation


This research aimed to study traffic volume at a site during construction hours, providing future reference for other construction sites in regards to traffic management. Data was collected and evaluated during the construction process at a construction site. The process consists of three main phases, excavation work, substructure and superstructure. Results showed that, during excavation work, 95% of incoming traffic were Ten-Wheeler trucks, while during substructure, this proportion had decreased to 70%. On the other hand, four-wheeled trucks were the majority of traffic during the superstructure phase at 65%. Further studies show, comparing traffic volume to construction space per day, each vehicle could hold up to 2900 cubic meters, 200 square meters and 1500 square meters respective to their phases.


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How to Cite

โยธา อ. and T. Rongviriyapanich, “A study traffic volume at a site during construction hours”, ncce27, vol. 27, pp. TRL17–1, Sep. 2022.



Intelligent Transportation, Traffic and Logistics Engineering